When Did You Last Ask Someone Impartial for Website Feedback?


Can you see the wood for the trees? Are you being a bit short-sighted? Perhaps you’re experiencing tunnel vision? These clichés all exist to describe the familiar scenario in which a person is too close to something to understand it fully. This is a risk in any project, and web design is no different: anyone … Read more

Why WordPress is great for SEO


According to W3techs, WordPress powers 60% of all the websites (with a known content management system) on the internet. A service doesn’t reach that kind of market share on usability and good advertising alone. WordPress works, and it works well. We’re going to focus on the SEO benefits that come with using WordPress, and why … Read more

Why UX Is Important for Your Website


News flash for those not in the know: UX is not the latest Star Wars droid (who can improve on BB-8 anyway?). In web design, UX – or user experience – is all about usability. It provides a focus on function, not just form. How easy is your site to use? How relevant is its content? … Read more

Branding. What’s the true cost of getting it wrong?


Branding. It’s a word that all too often gets confused with things such as a logo design, colour palettes, brochure design or, well, just plain old pretty pictures. Yet branding, in actuality, is far more than any of these single elements. Sure, it can be said to involve all of them – but at its most fundamental level, branding is what … Read more

From first time blog visitor to firm fan – Seven tips


Let’s face it, driving traffic to your blog can be challenging, demanding much time, effort and, if you invest in PPC, money. Once your visitors have arrived, you’ll want to make the most out of every first-time reader and (ideally) ensure that they come back for more. Here are seven tips to ensure you achieve … Read more

Most of your website visitors don’t trust you. Here’s how to turn it around.


Website visitors are seriously tricky customers – filled with mistrust and arriving with a protective defence that’s been built from years of digital marketing messages being thrust at them from every angle. Add to this the fact that the average website visitor settles on a first impression of your company within a seemingly impossible time … Read more

Advanced UI Animations

UI Animations make the web experience more interesting, interactive and entertaining and with the use of modern web technologies are being used more and more.  HTML5 has meant that animations can now be easily seen across all devices and can be scaled to any screen. 

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Improve your website layout!

White Space Matters! White space refers to the area within a pages layout that is left empty. It is the space between graphics, margins or text and is also referred to as negative space. White space should not be considered merely ‘blank’ space — it is an important element of design which enables the objects in it … Read more

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