Web Design Trends you can expect to see more of in 2015

Picture of Kim


Brand Strategist & Founder

I’m Kim a passionate marketer | Sharing growth insights for success | Proud founder of Squibble, empowering Midlands marketers to thrive by turning clunky websites into marketing joy | Let’s fuel your journey!

he graphic design industry is continuously evolving, and as a result new trends are constantly influencing the industry, and staying on top of what is in and what is out is sometimes overwhelming. Fear not, we have had a closer look at the predicted hottest web design trends for 2015 and are excited to share them with you. Take a look, get inspired and reflect about these 2015 trends – let us know what you think – we would love to hear what you loved, hated and what inspired you about these trends!

  • Professional High quality custom photography

More so, we see websites using professional photography of high quality with a unique and custom imagery. This style usually portrays the employees and other important and unique aspects of the individual business. This trend is very good if your goal behind your website is to stand out and provide a personal touch, and make the visitor have a memorable user experience when visiting your website. Take a look this photography guide on how to become a photographer.

  • Long scrolling Sites

A lot of new web design published today tends to be longer in length where the user can scroll down function. This has become popular due to it is easier for users to simply scroll through a page to get their information rather than having to constantly click to find information.

  • Storytelling and Interaction

Having amazing content is very important for a website, but being able to tell a story throughout your content is a big plus. Therefore one of the predictions for trends in 2015 in the web design industry is focused around telling a story for the user. This means that the user should feel like they are entering into a world of your brand, and this unique world of you is communicated by the content, colours, typography, pictures and style you use on your website. Telling a good story is not easy, the key tips we can give you to achieve this is to understand your target market: Who are they, what do they like, what can you offer them on your website, why would they like your brand and company, what is the story behind your brand?

  • Large header background images

The forth trend is to have large header background images, often seen with text on top. Instead of a dedicated and separate section to the header and logo.

  • Removing non-essential design elements in favour of simplicity

It is predicted that simplicity and keeping a website clean, without a lot of fuss will be a strong trend in 2015. This can almost be seen as minimalism has entered into the world of web design. This approach to web design allows you to clearly, concise and effectively communicate your key strengths and aims with your target market – and more importantly what makes you stand out form your competitors.

  • Performance and speed

More and more web designers are becoming aware of the weight of their sites and how the users interact with the site. Another trend for 2015 is the focus of responsive and speedy design. This has brought about a focus in the industry to make web pages that are speedy and user friendly, both on computer, pad and phone.

We happily welcome this trend, because we understand that if a website does not perform well in the areas of speed and resolution, the user experience is poor and the user are not likely to re-visit the website. And as a result, potential sales are lost – and no one wants that.

  • Fix width centred site layout

Identified as another trend likely to become more seen in 2015, is the use of 100 per cent design element. So that things like the image and sections visually stretch the full width of a browsers viewpoint, instead of having lots of small images. The trend is now going towards having one large and bold picture at the front of the page.

What do you think about the latest trends? Did you see anything you like, hated, thought was a bit strange? Let us know, we would love to hear your thoughts!

 If you feel that your website is a bit out of date after reading this post, why not give us a call today on 0121 448 4776 and we can discuss how we can implement the latest trends on your website.

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