It’s all buzzwords without the substance

Picture of Kim


Brand Strategist & Founder

I’m Kim a passionate marketer | Sharing growth insights for success | Proud founder of Squibble, empowering Midlands marketers to thrive by turning clunky websites into marketing joy | Let’s fuel your journey!

I’m sure you hear agencies throwing around complex jargon, buzzwords & overly technical explanations that sound more like a foreign language than anything helpful.

Terms like “API integration,” “responsive framework” & “cross-platform optimisation” can leave you feeling overwhelmed & confused. While web design agencies may see this as a way to assert their expertise, it often has the opposite effect – it alienates you, as a client, & can make you feel out of your depth.

But here’s the truth: hiding behind technical language is not the hallmark of a good agency.

If anything, it’s a red flag.  And that’s why we steer clear of it.

The most effective web design agencies understand their job isn’t just to build great websites but to support you throughout the process, explaining things in plain language & ensuring you feel comfortable & empowered every step of the way.

Why overusing tech jargon backfires

#1 Breakdown in communication

Throwing too much tech jargon at you kills clear communication. When you don’t fully understand what’s being discussed, it leads to confusion, frustration & sometimes distrust. Our role as your web design agency is to solve problems, not create them & complicated lingo only adds more hurdles.

#2 Clients feel alienated

Our clients come to us because they don’t have the technical expertise to build a website independently. When we pile on the industry buzzwords, it can make you feel like you’re expected to know things you haven’t heard of before. This can alienate you, making you hesitant to ask questions & creating a disconnect between what you need & what your agency delivers.

#3 Eroding trust

While it may seem that using technical language makes an agency sound more professional or knowledgeable, it can actually have the opposite effect. You may feel like you’re being taken for a ride, with all the high-tech talk serving as smoke & mirrors to justify higher costs or hide poor performance. Our clients will never feel like they’re being sold something they don’t understand.

#4 Misaligned expectations

A lack of clear, understandable communication can also lead to misaligned expectations. When you  don’t fully understand what’s being built or why certain decisions are being made, you’re more likely to end up unhappy with the final product. You might’ve expected something entirely different than what your agency delivered, all because the communication wasn’t clear from the start.

9 step rebrand

What you really want: simplicity & support

Most of the time, you don’t care about the technicalities of web design. You don’t need to understand how HTML5 works or why your agency chose one CMS over another. 

What you do care about is whether the website looks good, functions well & helps you achieve your business goals. And to feel confident about that, you need to understand the basics of what’s going on – without the clutter of tech jargon.

#1 Plain language, please

We know our clients appreciate it when we explain things in straightforward, non-technical terms. A good agency should be able to take a complex concept & break it down into digestible pieces. 

For instance, instead of saying, “We’re going to integrate a headless CMS to enable omnichannel content delivery” we would say, “We’ll set up your website so that you can easily manage content across your website, app & social media from one place.”

#2 Education, not intimidation

A web design agency should take the role of an educator, guiding you through the process & explaining what each part of the project entails – without patronising you. 

This doesn’t mean teaching you how to code, it means providing just enough insight so you feel informed & involved. By explaining the reasoning behind certain design or development choices, agencies build trust & rapport with you.

#3 Transparency over jargon

Transparency is crucial. As an agency, we communicate clearly, openly & in a language our clients can understand, it sets a foundation for trust. 

You should never feel you’re being sold a mystery box of services. Instead, your agency should be transparent about its processes, timelines & pricing, leaving no room for confusion.

#4 Support beyond launch

A great web design agency doesn’t just deliver a website & disappear. We know our clients need ongoing support & often have questions about how to maintain, update & optimise their new site. 

By continuing to speak in simple, approachable terms & offering guidance, agencies can ensure their clients feel comfortable managing their digital assets long after the project ends.

4 things we do to improve our client relationships at Squibble

  1. Start by listening – Before bombarding our clients with explanations, we take the time to listen to what our client actually needs & values. By focusing on our client’s business goals, target audience & specific pain points, we can better tailor our services & the way we communicate.
  2. Ask for feedback – If we’re unsure whether our clients understand what we’re saying, we simply ask them. Regularly checking in & inviting feedback allows us to adjust our communication style as needed & ensure everyone’s on the same page.
  3. Offer visual aids & examples – Sometimes, showing is easier than telling. Instead of talking at length about technical solutions, we provide visual examples, wireframes or mock-ups to help our clients visualise the end product. This can drastically simplify the conversation.
  4. Create client-friendly documentation – After the project, we always provide clients with easy-to-understand documentation & tutorials using Loom. This helps our clients feel confident managing their website & ensures they don’t feel abandoned or overwhelmed.

By ditching the jargon & focusing on client support, we know we can foster stronger, longer-lasting relationships & ensure that every project is a success – for both the client & the agency itself. Less buzzwords, more clarity.

Questions about Integration?

Send us an Email: Discuss CRM choices, digital shifts, or refine your strategy. We’ve got your back.

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