Revamping CHH's Digital Identity

Our project with CHH focused on rejuvenating their website to match their dynamic vision. We introduced a vibrant accent color, easy-to-use block templates, and a new team page to showcase their personality, significantly enhancing CHH's online presence and user engagement.

The Wishlist​

Each of our clients is unique, and so are their needs. Let's take a closer look at how we helped address specific project goals.

Easy to Use Website

CHH's existing website was difficult to navigate and ineffective in generating inquiries. Its structure, resembling isolated single pages without adequate contact forms, hindered user engagement and failed to reflect the company's growth and expanded services.

Faster Delivery

With new ownership came a broader vision for CHH. The previous branding no longer aligned with this new direction. There was a crucial need to refresh the brand to match the evolving vision and goals of the new leadership.

Stronger Messaging

CHH's existing marketing materials and messaging did not align with their commercial objectives. The company required a revamped marketing strategy that accurately represented their goals and could effectively drive new enquiries.

Delivering Results

See how our personalised approach turned client dreams into real, successful outcomes.

Vibrant Accent Colour

We introduced a striking accent colour to the website's design, enhancing its visual appeal and brand identity. This vibrant touch not only added aesthetic value but also contributed to a more cohesive and modern user experience.

Customisable Block Templates

To facilitate easy updates and consistent styling across the website, we developed versatile block templates. These templates allow for straightforward content management and ensure that the live site remains dynamic and user-friendly, with a uniform look and feel.

Personalised Team Page

Recognising the importance of showcasing the team's unique personalities, we crafted a new team page that was previously absent. This addition not only humanises the brand but also reflects the diverse personalities and skills of the CHH team, contributing to a more engaging and relatable online presence.

"I must express how fantastic Zoe has been throughout the whole design process. Her ability to actively listen to our feedback and then translate it into a design was nothing short of impressive. Zoe's dedication and talent in creating a logo that resonates with us have been truly amazing. We're extremely satisfied with her work and the outcome."

Heather Turner

Marketing Manager - CHH Conex


Questions about Integration?

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