3 Ways Your B2B Brand Can Power Through This Crisis

Picture of Kim


Brand Strategist & Founder

I’m Kim a passionate marketer | Sharing growth insights for success | Proud founder of Squibble, empowering Midlands marketers to thrive by turning clunky websites into marketing joy | Let’s fuel your journey!


Your brand is the key to your companies success, especially during these unprecedented times. It has, therefore, never been more important to lead with clear and concise messaging. 

Whether you have a small or large team they and your customers need leadership. Your team and customers alike will be looking to you to help them navigate through this period.

Jeff Bezos is widely quoted as saying, “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room”. How do you want your company to be remembered when all this is finished?

Therefore, I am urging all business owners to reflect back on their company values and consider the 3 P’s; Purpose, Personality and Potential.

By reviewing the 3 P’s you can ensure that your company’s marketing efforts are not wasted. Our brands are living entities and should continuously evolve to meet market demands. Make sure you communicate your services clearly, use the right tone of voice and use this downtime to identify opportunities.

1. Purpose

Why did you start the business, who did you set out to help and why is it different to your competitors? Then, you can look at how this benefits your customers. That list of benefits will then be like gold dust in your marketing message and will create a powerful proposition. By really delving into this you can identify the best way to connect, on an emotional level, during these uncertain times. Has the emotional connection changed and does your current messaging reflect this?

“The 2017 Earned Brand Study by Edelman found that 50% of consumers worldwide consider themselves to be belief driven buyers and 67% bought a brand for the first time because they agreed with its position on a controversial topic. By defining your purpose you can align yourself with your target audience.”

2. Personality

Although it seems obvious your tone of voice will likely need to be adjusted. Whilst many will be re-aligning their values and updating their marketing don’t forget about your personality. After-all, your authentic personality is your USP. The ability to clearly portray your business’s personality, in an inspiring and engaging way is often the difference between standing out from the crowd or blending in.

3. Potential

The business landscape is changing daily and whilst some businesses are booming others are left with cancelled projects and delayed start dates. Don’t be afraid to engage with these customers now. Ask them if there are other ways you can support them. If cashflow is a concern can you offer a reduced rate or longer payment terms?

Also engage with your sales teams and ask them to look back at the company values. What can they do to make sure the company is living up to its name. What help can be offered or what value can be shared?

If you can get your team on board, it will reduce the pressure on you so you don’t have to face it alone.

Food for thought

I’m aware that many people are unsure about selling right now and I understand this sentiment. However, our economy needs to keep moving and bills still need to be paid. So, as long as your messaging fits with the moment, there’s no reason why you should stop. That’s why it’s important to continuously review the 3 P’s.

And let’s not forget, the current climate provides a great opportunity to get creative and look at new possibilities. Here is just a small list of companies that were started during our last recession (2008-2010): 

  • Uber
  • Airbnb
  • Slack
  • Pinterest
  • WhatsApp
  • Square

Don’t hide away!

Be seen and be visible. Share your view on what’s going on and be honest about what it means for you. Now more than ever ethical brands make the world a better place.

I’m immensely proud of how Birmingham has united together during this period, and I look forward to seeing you on the other side!



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