How to become an authority in your industry

Picture of Kim


Brand Strategist & Founder

I’m Kim a passionate marketer | Sharing growth insights for success | Proud founder of Squibble, empowering Midlands marketers to thrive by turning clunky websites into marketing joy | Let’s fuel your journey!

You know those people in your industry that always seams to get it right every time and they seems to catch the spot light perfectly at all the events they attend. They are always interviewed, featured, quoted, and applauded for their innovative ideas, thinking and they are referred to as industry experts. How on earth do they do it? And what do they know that you don’t know? Based on our experience and tips we have from long industry experience, we have collected a few simple and straightforward steps you can take to get there.


  • Never Stop Learning

From our experience, this is the single most important piece of advice we can give you. We are in an industry that evolves on a daily basis, we constantly have to learn and develop ourselves. And this is true in some many other industries – you need to stay up to date and ahead of the game and learn if you are going to become a trusted source of authority. If you want people to read what your write, listen to you when you speak then you have to make sure that you know what you are talking about. Learning is not something you only do for a few years of your life, it is a constant process and it is a way of life.

  • Write As Often As Possible

If you want to be seen as an expert, you are judge on your ability to communicate through the written word. You simply have to learn to express your thoughts and ideas in a clear, concise and entertaining manner. One way you can start is by blogging, which is a great place for potential growth and creative conversations.

  • Write, Publish and distribute an ebook.

Most people assume that if you wrote a book about something, you must be an expert. And how amazing would it be to have on your website, blog or business card “Author of Insert Book Title Here”?!

  • Create A Video Course

Creating and delivering in-depth, educational video courses has a proven record of being a fantastic way to build your personal brand. Think about what you can offer to people who are not in your industry? What can you teach people? And from there on build your knowledge to fit into a course.

  • Speak at Conferences

A massive way to boost your reputation within the industry is to speak at conferences. The setting all works to your advantage; people are sitting down, in the dark, watching you, brightly lit, lecturing, joking, showing off an awesome slideshow. The entire environment is structured to build you up as the most knowledgeable person in the room and about a given subject.


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