Crafting a marketing strategy without a team feels tough: how to find your way

Picture of Kim


Brand Strategist & Founder

I’m Kim a passionate marketer | Sharing growth insights for success | Proud founder of Squibble, empowering Midlands marketers to thrive by turning clunky websites into marketing joy | Let’s fuel your journey!

As a solo marketer, you know the feeling: the weight of the world (or at least your marketing world) is on your shoulders. 

You don’t have a team to brainstorm with, no dedicated designer for quick-turn graphics & certainly no one to bounce strategy ideas off of in real time. It’s all you. 

And while that can be incredibly rewarding, it can also feel overwhelming – especially when it comes to crafting a comprehensive marketing strategy.

So how do you find your way when it’s just you against the world (or market)? 

Let’s dive into some practical steps & mindset shifts to help you navigate this solo journey with confidence & clarity.

#1 Embrace the power of focus

You simply can’t do it all when you’re a solo marketer. 

And here’s the thing: you shouldn’t try. One of your biggest advantages is the ability to stay agile & laser-focused. Instead of scattering your efforts across every marketing channel, niche down to what works best for your business.

Start by asking yourself:

  • What is the most impactful channel for reaching your audience?
  • Which tactics have generated results in the past?
  • Where is your audience most engaged?

Prioritising a few key strategies instead of trying to juggle everything will not only save you time but also allow you to go deeper into what truly works. Whether it’s social media, email marketing or content creation, mastering one or two channels will make your efforts more effective.

#2 Leverage automation & tools to amplify your efforts

You may not have a team, but you do have technology on your side. 

There are countless marketing tools available to help you streamline your workflow, from social media scheduling to customer relationship management (CRM) software. The key is finding the right tools that fit your needs without adding unnecessary complexity.

A few areas where automation can help you:

  • Social media scheduling: Tools like Plannable, Hootsuite or Later can help you plan & schedule posts in advance, giving you more time to focus on strategy.
  • Email marketing: Platforms like Mailchimp, OmniSend or HubSpot can automate email campaigns, segment audiences & track engagement effortlessly.
  • Analytics: Use tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush or even the built-in analytics from your social media platforms to keep track of performance without having to constantly dig for data.

The beauty of automation is that it works in the background, freeing you up to focus on bigger-picture strategy.

#3 Create a simple, actionable plan

When crafting your strategy, simplicity is your best friend. 

A lengthy, overly complicated marketing strategy can feel paralysing when you’re going it alone. Instead, break it down into manageable, bite-sized chunks that are easy to track & adjust.

Start with these three elements:

  • Objectives: What are your top 2-3 business goals? Make them specific & measurable, for example, “Increase website traffic by 20% in the next quarter.”
  • Tactics: List 2-3 key tactics to support each objective, for example, “Publish one new blog post per week” to boost organic traffic.
  • KPIs: What will you track to measure success? Keep it simple & focused on the metrics that matter most, for example, Track monthly page views and lead conversions.

This approach keeps you on track without overwhelming you & it makes it easy to pivot if something isn’t working.

9 step rebrand

#4 Outsource strategically

Just because you’re a solo marketer doesn’t mean you have to do everything by yourself.

One of the smartest moves you can make is knowing when to outsource. This doesn’t mean you’re losing control; it’s about finding specialised help to free up your time for higher-level strategy work. Lean into your strengths & outsource your weaknesses.

Consider outsourcing for:

  • Graphic design
  • Website design (hey, we’re Squibble 👋🏼)
  • Content writing
  • Ad management

Delegating time-consuming tasks can help you move faster & maintain your sanity.

#5 Stay in the learning loop

Keeping up with industry trends, new tools & changing algorithms might seem daunting, but it’s key to your success. One way to lighten the load is by joining online communities or subscribing to industry newsletters that deliver the information directly to you.

Here are some ways to stay informed:

  • Webinars
  • Online courses
  • Communities
  • Forums/Facebook groups
  • Podcasts
  • Newsletters

#6 Set boundaries & manage expectations

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking you have to do everything, all the time. 

But that’s a fast track to burnout. 

Establish boundaries with your time & manage the expectations of your boss or even yourself.

Here’s how:

  • Set realistic deadlines for yourself & communicate these clearly with your stakeholders
  • Block off time for deep work, like strategy development
  • Say no to tasks or projects that don’t align with your priorities or aren’t manageable within your available bandwidth

Remember, you’re only one person & it’s okay to not have all the answers or capabilities that a full team might.

#7 Celebrate small wins

Finally, don’t forget to celebrate your successes, no matter how small. 

When you’re wearing all the hats, it’s easy to overlook progress because you’re always thinking about the next task. But taking time to recognise what’s working – whether it’s a well-executed campaign, a traffic spike or even learning a new tool – can keep you motivated & moving forward.

Running the marketing department as a one-person team can feel tough, but it’s also an opportunity to be nimble, creative & strategic on your terms. 

By focusing on what works, leveraging tools, outsourcing strategically & maintaining a clear, simple plan, you can craft a winning marketing strategy without the need for a full team behind you.

Remember, the key is not doing everything, but doing the right things. You’ve got this!

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