Innovative Health Tech Branding

We partnered with Healome Therapeutics, a Birmingham-based healthcare innovator, to develop a standout digital identity. Our focus was on showcasing their pioneering work in creating 'pro-healing' micro-environments for tissue repair and treatment of complex medical conditions.

The Wishlist​

Each of our clients is unique, and so are their needs. Let's take a closer look at how we helped address specific project goals.

Strategic Positioning

Our goal was to strategically position Healome in the healthcare sector, highlighting their groundbreaking approach in tackling challenging diseases, especially in ocular surface conditions. We crafted a narrative that emphasised their commitment to addressing these intricate health issues through advanced therapeutic solutions.

Creating Engaging Digital Assets

To align with Healome's cutting-edge technology, we created a suite of digital assets that were both informative and visually engaging. These assets were designed for easy management and versatility, ensuring consistent branding across all platforms. This approach effectively communicated Healome's vision and expertise, particularly in their phase 1 trials for ocular surface diseases, to a wider audience.

Delivering Results

See how our personalised approach turned client dreams into real, successful outcomes.

Symbolising Advanced Therapeutic Solutions

Our design for Healome's logo was crafted to symbolise their commitment to advanced therapeutic solutions and their role in tackling challenging healthcare issues. The logo serves as a visual anchor for their brand, reflecting their cutting-edge research and development in the healthcare sector, especially as they move into phase 1 trials.

Reflecting Medical Expertise Through Colour Choice

In designing Healome Therapeutics' logo, we carefully selected colours that resonate with the medical sector, emphasising trust, innovation, and healing. The chosen palette combines calming and professional hues, aligning with their focus on advanced healthcare solutions and 'pro-healing' environments, particularly relevant to their work in ocular surface diseases.


Questions about Integration?

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